I've launched my new site in Beta. Check it out, but be aware it is still a work in progress.
— May 2015.
I'm a hard working LAMP/Node developer currently freelancing in London. I've most recently worked for Tate, Gap, Lexus, Asus & Kitcatt Nohr Digitas. I find it easy to work with anyone, can learn new technologies on-the-fly and have a unfaltering passion for what I do.
For more than 12 years I have specialised in developing with PHP, MySQL, Linux and Apache platforms - otherwise known as LAMP. Recently I have also been dabbling with Node.js & MongoDB as I have a special place in my head for JavaScript. I am also venturing in the world of Python and C#.
I have over a decade of experience constructing websites, admin panels and web apps using a myriad of technologies (PHP, HTML, XML, CSS, Flash, JavaScript, ActionScript, MySQL). All designed to work across the widest possible range of devices. I have the ability to tailor my work for a specific system or generalise for global deployment. Good UI/UX Design, Graceful degradation, progressive enhancement, SEO and Accessibility are all second nature and are built-in unless requested otherwise ;)
My most recent contract – to help recreate Tate's main online presence – www.tate.org.uk. With the help of Drupal 7, a number of post it notes, agile development and a multitude of rather knowledgable and hard-working persons – the site has finally been launched. It's not all done and dusted just yet though :)
Something which I wasn't aware of before is that Tate has more than one website... a lot more. That's why whilst developing their main website I was also asked to help with one of their core 'learning' sites. Designed for schools, it aims to promote cross collaboration and the sharing of Art.
"In search of incredible" was the most complicated project I've worked on to date. Asus's content managed, 16x multilingual, Flash & HTML5 Hybrid, "user content" driven campaign site demanded my full range of abilities and many long days.
Fubra obviously holds a special place for me - a web company of friends started in 2000 that is still going strong today. OurProperty is one of their flagship free sites, the first of it's kind, I am quite proud to have been there to have designed it's initial look and to have built some of it's earlier parts.
Still one of my favourite jobs. I was commissioned to build touchscreen systems for Unilever's shareholder AGMs. Not only do Unilever have a great corporate identity to work with, they also allowed for entirely bespoke work - which is where I'm able to do my best.
Remember "Heston's Christmas Pudding"? If you managed to get hold of one that is ;) Some of my more visually interesting app work involved building the "choose your slice" interface for this campaign. Constructed purely in good old bespoke Flash & ActionScript 3 - none of this "Robot Legs" nonsense :)
A recent small site build. The budget was small, but that didn't mean the design had to be. We went through six design iterations before choosing this particular layout. The HTML build went considerably quicker than that though... :)
Bread & butter for an advertising agency is emails... and so after having worked for two years in that industry I've definitely built my fare share - that and banners (but we wont mention them).
Rather annoyingly Tim keeps on doing good work ;) which means he needs a site revamp every now and again. We're up to v3 now, however this screenshot is of version 2. This site implemented one of the stranger navigation ideas that I've imagined over the years - a half dial. Don't think it worked quite as well as I'd hoped, but still, it definitely stood out as a little different.
A while ago, if I'dve been asked "Can you build a visually expressive & exacting, dynamic, socially enabled, third-party enhanced content managed website using Drupal 6" I would have looked at my questioner with worried eyes and a shake of my head. Today, I'd do exactly the same... but at least now I'd have a better idea of what I'm letting myself in for. That said, the site's there... and it looks good :)
Obviously I constructed my own site. What you may not know however is that all the PHP, JSON Structures, MySQL Databases and JavaScript involved are bespokely created (save for jQuery of course) and has been the first of my personal projects to be fully version controlled using GIT. The site is built to have a dynamically responsive design which should layout correctly for any size screen - plus it does it's best to support non-js, screen readers and other alternative viewers (i.e. Internet Explorer).
I have developed sites of all sizes, from small five page start-ups, to huge global campaigns receiving 100,000s of unique visits per day. Most recently I helped construct an online campaign that was exposed and translated across 16 countries. I was responsible for back-end, front-end and server side development & deployment as well as guiding and working with a team of other freelancers. The site had multiple release stages, and was required to work across a wide range of systems and devices.
It's thanks to my varied experience that I can quite confidently say I can build a web-based site or app for any platform, and for any type of business.
... is my current browser of choice. I know that many have decided to abandon Mozilla for speedier navigation. However, this "speed increases" come at a cost... I very rarely get graphical glitches with FireFox, Chrome on the other hand is a sea of strange things happening and annoyingly bugs to track down. On the last three projects I've been involved with, it wasn't FireFox, Safari, Internet Explorer or Opera that caused delays and problems... ok well IE7 did cause a bit of hassle - but that's to be expected ;)
Argh..! run away. Ok, Chrome isn't that bad... but with it's numerous bugs and graphical glitches, Not to mention certain oddities compared to other browsers, it has actually been the browser that has caused most problems in all my recent developments.
Work in progress... apologies ;)