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Current Projects

Below you will find a few of my current personal projects - I have a ridiculous compulsion when it comes to being creative; either with coding or web-enabled design. Which means I tend to find it hard restricting myself to just one project.

Obviously I have been advised that if I did just focus on one, I might have more success in achieving completion. However it's not my morale or focus that causes this fickleness, it's down to the fact that any project - beyond the simplistic - always reaches a point were the blocks of time I require to make progress, outstrip the time I have free. Despite this constant problem, I keep trying to find the one project I'll be able to complete whilst juggling all my other responsibilities. So far pebbl seems to fit the bill :)

Pebbl exists purely to express my constant desire to try and get an online game live with little time to spare and no investment. It started as a JavaScript & Canvas experiment, but now has turned in to a real project that I can easily update where ever I am. This game is powered by my CanvasTheory library.

play the demo

Theory is my own personal JavaScript library that I try adding to whenever I discover something new and unique... It's currently totally unstable, but I'm finding I'm reusing it's ideas more and more. It's made up out of four core parts, EventTheory, ObjectTheory, ArrayTheory & StringTheory.

documentation site

Twilight is an on-going labour of love. I will get it finished one day, although my progress is definitely creeping. This Flash-based game hopes to be a mix of all the different gaming styles I enjoy (platform,puzzle,action), enhanced by an intriguing plot and hand-drawn graphics...

play the demo

E.x.i.t - Is another of my on-going projects, and yes it's another game. My drive behind this one has more to do with the visual style rather than anything else. Whenever I see that particular "fire escape man", I can't help but want to help him out of his predicament :)

play the demo

"Pockets" is my own personal CMS - it's still very much rough and ready - and is much more back-end than front-end at the moment. But I believe it is a clever system built on a powerful recursive, selectable and filterable data structure. It has already had the benefit of 5 years of specific CMS development work, but i've got a bit to go yet...

Past Projects

Obviously if I'm jumping around from project to project all the time - there are bound to be a few casualties... or at least a number frozen ideas. The following is a list of those. Projects that were or that never quite made it to v2...

GravityJam was my first experiment with ActionScript 3 - and I can say I was impressed with the leap from AS2. I built this demo in two weeks of only part time work.

play the game was the site I originally built to advertise the fact I was looking for a job in London. It's now over 13 years old, and there is much that I would do differently. It only took two weeks to create (HTML & Flash Version) yet it still manages to contain a lot of waffle ;)

visit the site